Saturday, February 17, 2007

Behold and Be Afraid

We are expanding a base in Vicenza, Italy, to accomodate the full 173rd Airborne Brigade where previously only a paratroop battalion had been stationed.

Some Italians are protesting the decision by the Italian government to allow this expansion.

One of the dimmer stars in the protesting firmament made this statement:

"To build a military base is not the gesture of a peaceful government," said 24-year-old city resident Simone Pasin, draped in a rainbow peace flag. "I think it's time to dismantle military bases and put up structures of peace."

The quotes from the clearly addled Mr. Pasin are priceless in their juvenile ignorance.

The picture of absolute idiocy is completed by the comment that the dim-witted Pasin was wrapped in a rainbow peace flag. Only the possession by Mr. Pasin of a giant puppet could have improved the imagery.

The full drooling idiocy on display is perhaps slightly obscured by the failure of the article to draw from the rainbow peace flag-clad Pasin some details about just what a "structure of peace" would be. The mind boggles at what that might be. An actual, literal structure of brick and mortar? Or perhaps a figurative structure that would allow us to think that a rainbow peace flag is either a good fashion move or a clever political statement?

Mr. Pasin is a waste of perfectly good oxygen better utilized by mammals and certain of the cuter reptiles. I am continually amazed that such people exist. On the bright side, given the demographics of Italy, I'm reasonably sure he isn't breeding.