Sunday, February 04, 2018

North Korea and What Army?

The Russians are being really stupid or ominously dangerous when it comes to North Korea.


Russia's ambassador to North Korea has warned that a United Nations attempt to cut all oil supplies to the nation could spark a global conflict.

What is the mechanism for that global war?

Because if North Korea launches a war against South Korea before lack of oil can cripple North Korea (assuming Russia and China comply with the ban), how does that become a global conflict?

Because such a war would be between North Korea and the entire world based on the UN role in Korea, no?

Although in practice it would mean North Korea versus America, Japan, and South Korea. No global conflict.

So what does he mean? That the entire world would unite against the aggressor as the UN ideal suggests and as the UN did in 1950 when China was represented by Taiwan and Russia was boycotting the UN? Not likely.

Or is he ominously saying that if America and Japan joined South Korea to resist North Korean aggression that Russia or China would side with the North Koreans to fight America?

Because that's either really stupid or really dangerous thinking by the Russians.