Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

That face of fascism, Ms. Click, keeps digging.

Don't know much about history
Don't know much about liberty
Don't know much about freedom of speech
Don't know much about the course I teach

Professor Click defends her actions at the University of Missouri:

“If you have had any exposure to American media in the last four months, you know the quick decision I made to stand with the students, you’ve seen my inexperience with public protests,” Click wrote in a piece in the Washington Post.

[I guess the old, failed, obviously BS excuse is non-operative now!]

But she does know a lot about muscle to suppress freedom of the press:

But I do know that I hate you
And I know that if I have muscle too
What a wonderful campus this would be

Concerned Students 1950, indeed. I'm concerned they think it is 1950.

But given the professors they have, it makes sense.

Thanks to these folks for the lyrics.

UPDATE: And really, my admiration for that young man as he tries to explain basic concepts of freedom of the press to idiot students rises every time I see it. This video clip could be his entire resume` when he applies for work as a journalist.

And this applies to the unseen video photographer, too, of course.

UPDATE: Related: Babies on campus.