Saturday, November 02, 2013

A Thousand Grains of Duh

China is on to us! How did they figure it out?

Yes, we think their communist dictatorship sucks and should be replaced by democracy:

A conspiracy-minded 100-minute film produced by the Chinese military that was circulating widely on the Internet Thursday accuses the United States of trying to undermine the Communist Party’s control of the People’s Liberation Army and impose American values on China.

And how bad is the Chinese Communist Party that the Carter Center seems like a right-wing cog?

UPDATE: I don't think the Chinese Communist Party has a lot to worry about.

China sends dissidents who mock the glorious leader to reeducation camps. As Mark Steyn notes, in the land of crony capitalism, corporations rush to send employees to reeducation camps for mocking the glorious leader:

Along with the costume (pictured above), a skit called “VIP Special Delivery” was performed, winning the group third place in the costume contest.

As a result, all 750 employees have now been required to take diversity training.

You wouldn't want to anger those who write, interpret, and enforce the health care rules, would you?

That's shameful. Is it really too difficult to believe that The One could be opposed for the content of his acts and ideas? Or even his character?