Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hope, Change, and a Three-Week Assault

Austin Bay thinks that President Obama is reluctantly being dragged to the conclusion that we'll have to strike Iran to keep them from going nuclear:

The Khomeinists are 15 months closer to possessing nuclear weapons. A successful democratic revolt in Iran would get Obama -- and all of us -- off the terrible hook. Obama, and the rest of us, however, cannot bank on such fortune. In its own awkward, benighted and belated fashion, the administration of the American messiah of perpetual peace has begun preparing for "the military option" -- massive air and special operations strikes on the mullah's nuclear arsenal.

That could be right. I do think President Bush left President Obama the tools to strike Iran. And it is only a slight exaggeration to say that Obama will get another Nobel Peace Prize for de-fanging Iran when Bush would have gotten impeached for the same thing.

Hope and change can achieve a lot--as long as they come with a three-week blitz of Iran's nuclear, military, and political infrastructure.