Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Snots Are Disappointed by the Rubes

I'm sure the people in on this little experiment thought they were real brave sending a woman into the deep mean Red state of Alabama dressed like a Moslem woman:

"I expected people to say, 'What is this terrorist doing here? We don't want your kind here,' " said Woldt, a 22-year-old blue-eyed Catholic, recalling her anticipation before stepping into a local barbecue joint. "I thought I wouldn't even be served."

Instead, Woldt's experiment in social anthropology opened her own eyes. Apart from the initial glances reserved for any outsider who might venture through a small-town restaurant's doors, her experience was a pleasant one.

Ah yes, the faux bravery of confronting those rubes who cling to God and guns, just daring them to damn her to Hell or shoot 'er up just because she wears foreign garb.

Real bravery would be walking through the Swat Valley in Pakistan with those blue eyes shining on an uncovered head, wearing usual Western campus styles. Perhaps she could hold Rosary beads for good effect.

I'm guessing that experience wouldn't be pleasant. Well, not pleasant for Ms. Woldt, anyway. Those jihadis do seem to enjoy a good Infidel beheading.