Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Earth-Centric Solar System

I've long complained that the global warmers are very time-centric in that they assume that our current temperature is the exact perfect temperature that we should pay any price to maintain.

This testimony to a US Senate committee is great and argues the same thing at one point:

I remember being forced to read Voltaire’s novel, Candide, when I was young. You recall that Dr. Pangloss repeatedly assured young Candide that he was living in "the best of all possible worlds," presumably also with the best of all CO2 concentrations. That we are (or were) living at the best of all CO2 concentrations seems to be a tacit assumption of the IPCC executive summaries for policy makers.

How lucky is that? I'm proudly with the global warming deniers in rejecting the socialist solutions to the so-called problem, in questioning whether our impact on climate is anyting more than a drop in the bucket compared to natural forces, and in wondering why our current climate must be defended at all costs. I mean what if the ideal temperature is a few degrees warmer? Or what if it is colder?

Until the global warming fanatics can tell me what the ideal global average temperature is, I don't even want to talk to them about "remedies."