Saturday, January 31, 2009

Please God, Just One International Affair?

My favorite-of-the-moment sadly misguided babe has been released from Mexican jail with no charges filed:

Prosecutors ruled Friday that a Mexican beauty queen be released from house arrest after investigations in a drug and weapons case turned up no evidence against her.

Laura Zuniga, 23, was detained in western Mexico on Dec. 23, in a vehicle along with seven men, some of them suspected drug traffickers. Authorities found a large stash of weapons, ammunition and $45,000 with them inside a vehicle.

She was stripped of one of her crowns — the title she won in the Hispanoamerican Queen pageant in October — but still holds the beauty title of the northern state of Sinaloa, long known as a center for Mexico's drug cartels.

You may remember the sad tale of this lass:

Photo Source: AP

She was picked up with some drug gang members. I'm sure it was all just a horrible mistake.

Ms. Zuniga: Thin, dark hair, serious issues to work through. She has a real Alanis Morissette look going there. Thank you, Mexico ... It's like a hat trick of my weaknesses for women.

But perhaps I've shared too much. Erm... How about that Super Bowl, anyway?