Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Head Scratcher, Indeed

So why wasn't Hamas deterred from attacking Israel over and over with rockets?

Doesn't Hamas know that Israel has massive conventional military superiority?

Doesn't Hamas know that Israel has atomic weapons?

Yet we should not be alarmed if nutball Persian mullahs get atomic weapons since our nuclear arsenal or Israel's will deter them? Because they'd never be so foolish as to start something that will just end with attacks on their own homeland that destroy their government and kill lots of their own people?

I mean, you know, maybe we should think about this just in case (Tip to Weekly Standard) Iran isn't pursuing safe and eco-friendly nuclear energy with their atomic programs.

Ah, never mind! Why am I worried? The soothing balms of hope and change will mellow the mullahs right out in no time at all.