Saturday, June 02, 2007

How the Left Learned to Love the Perfect Enemy

With our jihadi enemies we have pretty much comic-book level enemies with sterotypical evil qualities. The jihadis hate Jews, gays, women, and even exposed female ankles. The jihadis would rather have girls die in burning buildings than risk male rescuers seeing their tempting white flesh exposed in daylight.

The jihadis despise our freedom and culture, and in their war against us rule out no atrocities or weapon. They hijack planes and crash them into our buildings, conduct suicide bombings that target children, use chlorine gas, torture in the most barbaric fashion, and behead captives for the fun of it. They destroy Buddhist monuments and slaughter Africans. The jihadis want freedom of speech stifled so that their religion can't be criticized and want their religious laws recognized above our legal system.

In short, if a script had made up such an enemy it would seem too perfect. They'd be too totally evil with no redeeming characteristics and the plot would be rejected as unrealsitic. Who'd believe this totality of evil?

Yet that is exactly what we have. An enemy so totally evil that their brutality is mind boggling.

Yet our left--our so-called "progressives"--can't seem to get worked up about them.

The enemy could bomb the Women's Studies Department at Berkeley (or an Iraq girls school) and these progressives would still be unmoved. All because George Bush thinks the jihadis are evil ones. Is there any explanation other than Bush Derangement Syndrome for this thinking?

The nuance of our Progressives escapes me.