Saturday, October 28, 2023

The European Union Puts Lipstick On Its Pig of an Empire

The proto-imperial European Union (EU) is trying a change in strategy after Russia's invasion of Ukraine reminded Europeans that Europe isn't a new world of rules-based peace and that Europe needs America-led NATO.

It wasn't that long ago that individual European countries could handle these things

Given the strategic use of immigration, energy, and critical raw materials, as well as the growing nationalization of technological innovation and regulation, member states cannot rely on NATO alone to meet all their defense needs. Only by expanding and strengthening the EU can the safety of European citizens be ensured.

The EU is redefining defense threats more broadly and noticing that NATO is--properly--an alliance of countries that is narrowly focused on military defense rather than intruding on all areas in the name of defense. The EU will gladly take responsibility for what NATO considered internal country matters of member states.

The EU has apparently abandoned its military "strategic autonomy" goal as America-led NATO has proven it is the only useful tool for European security from external invasion

Back to the proposal for more EU powers,  the proto-imperial EU is obviously designed to cripple the ability of member countries to handle these problems. Thus leaving the EU the only source of solutions. 

And I don't believe one of the three pillars of EU changes will restore lost democracy and (classical) liberal values, as the EU claims.

The EU is in reality a threat to America--and a more immediate threat to European freedom:

It is easy to forget--and this was a useful reminder to me--that Europe with its autocracies and monarchies was not fully part of a free West (although obviously part of the Western tradition) until we rebuilt Western Europe in that template after World War II. And NATO expansion after defeating the Soviet Union was more explicit in demanding democracy and rule of law for new members.

Don't be fooled that the EU will build a kinder and gentler autocracy. The EU doesn't like to waste a crisis in its quest to remove the pesky prefix.

NOTE: The image was made from DALL-E.  

NOTE: TDR Winter War of 2022 coverage continues here.

NOTE: I'm still adding updates on the Last Hamas War in this post.