Friday, May 27, 2022

Practicing How To Get Us

It isn't paranoia to think China is out to get us when China is out to get us.

Practicing doesn't mean China can do it, but it is clear China wants to engineer a multi-port Pearl Harbor assault:

China has been honing its ship-killing skills for potential future conflicts on new targets in a remote desert, according to new satellite photos reviewed by USNI News. New analysis shows the People’s Liberation Army is testing the ability to hit ships in port with long-range ballistic missiles.

Since USNI News reported China has been building aircraft carrier targets in the Takmalakan Desert, other target sites have emerged forming a string of large-scale target ranges running along the eastern edge of the desert, according to new satellite photos. Several of these are naval and two have layouts that appear to be modeled on ships in port.

Huh. I've been derided for thinking the Navy could be vulnerable to a modern Pearl Harbor-style strike. As reactions to this post revealed.

But I think it is far worse than a new Pearl Harbor. I worry about a global Pearl Harbor:

America's fleet--despite its problems--is probably still superior to the Chinese navy despite its new car smell. But America relies on reinforcing its outnumbered and outgunned ships and allied navies in the western Pacific with American ships from around the globe. What if conventional hypersonic space weapons are China's method of crippling those reinforcements?

I'm not paranoid. I'm imaginative.

Have a super sparkly day.

UPDATE: Related information:

Over the last five years several similar missile testing sites were discovered in the vast desert areas of western China. Some of these test targets portrayed air bases or even larger targets like naval or army supply depots as well as harbors where American warships are regularly found. China was seeking a way to carry out another Pearl Harbor type attack and they appear to have found it.

I guess we need to review the Chinese kill chain.

UPDATE: Yes. Yes they are.

NOTE: War coverage continues as this post.