Friday, September 18, 2020

When the Magic Kingdom Meets the Middle Kingdom

Well that's nice:

Last week a few sharp-eyed members of the audience for Disney’s live-action remake of Mulan noticed something ugly in the credits. The film’s producers thanked, among others, the publicity department of the "CPC Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Committee" as well as the "Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security." These are the same political and disciplinary institutions that oppress China’s Uighur minority. Disney cooperated with them without batting an eye.

Do not become confused. This is not a Uighur "jobs training center" in China:

Cinderella castle day.jpg

Do read it all and weep when you consider how invested some people are in promoting the nonsense that America is oppressive:

Selective indignation is not new. What’s striking about this latest version is its zones of prevalence. The sectors of the economy most wedded to the view that American society is systemically racist—entertainment, sports, media, tech—are the least concerned with the real and concrete injustices of the antidemocratic and hostile Chinese regime. This is the woke dialectic: dissent in America, acquiescence to China.

I guess you have no time to worry about actual dictatorship and oppression in China when you just know that at any minute the Trumptatorship will be revealed if you slacken your Resistance for a second. 

Selling China the rope that it will use to hang us doesn't begin to cover this shameful trend. Disney did not make China a better place by tying itself to China. But China sure made Disney worse.

But hey, maybe there is hope in China. Which is pretty damning for Americans not as freedom-loving as them.

#ACAB (All communists are bastards)