Tuesday, August 04, 2020

The Empire Approaches

A recent European Union summit on establishing a common debt in response to the Xi Jinping Flu pandemic is historic. No doubt, but not in a good way.

Break out the champagne?

Is the longest European summit in history also historic? The answer is yes.

Indeed, the European Union is now a state. ...

The still-young EU could be described as a "baroque state." Baroque, the great European artistic movement, is set in opposition to classicism through its circumvention of rules and subverting of forms, mixing genres and resorting to the exception. This is the case of the EU, which escapes the traditional classification of political systems as territorial state entities and is distinguished by its novel singularity. Based on state cultures inherited from a long history and a fragmented political geography, contemporary Europeans are inventing the "mutuality" of sovereignty.

The author uses a lot of fancy terms. But the bottom line is that this is one more step in the proto-imperial EU finally shedding that inconvenient prefix and making it into a traditional classification of empire with former nation-states mere vassal provinces.

It will be no less an empire for being done via "mutualization"--another splendid fancy term--rather than force of arms. As I've said, Putin is probably jealous of the EU:

The Soviet Union relied on lots of tanks and secret police to keep their restive imperial provinces in line. And in the end it was not enough.

Who knew that 10,000 cheese regulations would have been more effective in tying the imperial provinces to the motherland?

And in time, the EU will weaken NATO to the point of irrelevance and eject America from Europe. Which means freedom will die on the continent:

I've noted that the Western tradition did not fully embrace democracy until after America entrenched in Europe following World War II and spread our influence. As I wrote in this post about the threat to America that could arise in Europe[.]

So break out the whiskey in memory of the Europe that helped build a free West, but which has sunk into a long slide to death.

One wonders how long fancy words can disguise the raw power that this empire will wield against its subjects who were once citizens.

Just thank the gods that Britain may (I assume nothing at this point given the EU history of subverting popular will) have escaped this depressing development and remain free.

Have a super sparkly day.

UPDATE: Really, a European imperial state is not in America's interest.