Tuesday, July 28, 2020

What's Up With China? Does Size Matter?

Thoughts on a rising China (based on recent speculation about peak China):

“The threat of China is neither their military power, ideological autocracy nor political maneuvers. Make no mistakes. The real threat is the size of China itself.” My views on China remain based on this maxim.

Size surely matters--both positively and negatively depending on the circumstances--but I don't think that size is supreme. If it is, why does China have any smaller neighbors at all after all these centuries?

I think that while China is not done rising absolutely, I don't know if China can pass America or if it can if China can hold the lead.

I also don't assume China will remain a political expression rather than a geographic term.

And yes, the Chinese Communist Party is all about securing the power of the CCP above all else like a parasite on the China host body.

But stoking nationalism to keep that political power monopoly is dangerous.

That first link is well worth a read.