Monday, July 27, 2020

Can We Teach Our Children the Way Lockdown Proponents Want?

I am upset that our schools are remaining closed under pressure from teacher unions, as I noted in the last Weekend Data Dump.

I dare say that teaching in a high-crime area school is far more dangerous than it can be in a prepared school in the Xi Jinping Flu era.

Why can't we at least open schools for K-6 students?

Spread out the 6th graders in the absence of 7th and 8th graders in the middle schools.

Use portions of the high schools to spread out the elementary school kids while reserving certain specialty areas like labs for the high schoolers to do hands-on work for classes and for in-person tutoring for the 7-12-graders who can't get by on remote learning. Establish "pods" for those kids in the in-person tutoring whose parents can't afford to hire their own.

I thank God my kids are finally out of the K-12 system with the way the new school year is being planned.

If we keep schools closed in the ludicrous pretense that they can't be opened until it is 100% safe (or until after the November election?), a lot of poor kids are going to fall further behind and be crippled for life in education and job prospects.

Are those young kids the cannon fodder in the single-minded obsession of destroying the Bad Orange Man?