Thursday, July 23, 2020

Making Friends and Influencing People

I have been frustrated since the overthrow of Saddam that the Sunni Arab world has been slow to embrace Shia Arab-dominated Iraq to oppose Persian and Shia-run Iran. Turkey is pushing Iraq to the Arab world, it seems:

Iraq's minister of water resources says his country will face severe water shortages if agreements are not forged with neighboring Turkey over Ankara's irrigation and dam projects that have decreased river inflows to Iraq's parched plains.

Descending from the mountains of southeast Turkey and coursing through Syria and then Iraq before emptying out in the Persian Gulf, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are Iraq's main water source and essential to for agriculture. But tensions have mounted over the years as Turkey pressed ahead with dam projects to meet its domestic electricity demands.

Will Sunni Arab states be smart enough to finally fully engage with mostly fellow Arab but Shia Iraq against Turkish water threats, and in the process help Iraq oppose common enemy Iran?