Saturday, May 09, 2020

The Subliminal War Continues

Ukraine remains under attack by Russia, which occupies Ukrainian territory. Don't forget their struggle:

Even when they shouldn’t, the media and most politicians ignore small wars, especially those that are stalemated. There has been a virtual news blackout on Russia’s revanchist war to conquer Ukraine. That war deserves greater attention, and Ukraine deserves increased support, because it is a struggle between freedom and slavery.

Ukraine deserves our help to resist the Russians and make Russia pay a price for breaking the peace and security of Europe.

But this isn't just a military struggle. Ukraine needs to break their own corruption unless Ukraine just wants to be a weaker version of Russia--and lose this war.

And some Ukrainians--even if imported--get that:

Mikheil Saakashvili, the former president of Georgia, vowed on Friday to help his new boss, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, clean out a political "swamp" of oligarchs' interests that he said were preventing Ukraine prospering.

Ukraine will have trouble beating Russia if Ukraine is just as corrupt as Russia.