Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Nobody Saw This Maximum Pressure Coming

For all the debate about American pressure on the Iranian mullah regime over its nuclear program and efforts to destabilize the Middle East, who would have expected the Xi Jinping Flu pandemic to be the straw with the potential to break the camel's back?

What if the coronavirus is a sign from Allah after all?

Many prominent politicians, military commanders and religious leaders have died from the virus in Iran. Most Iranians see that as a good thing because for two years now there has been growing unrest against the government. At first Iranian leaders, especially the religious ones who control the government, dismissed covid19 as something Allah was using to punish infidels (non-Moslems). That was incorrect and when prominent religious leaders began dying from covid19 many Iranians saw this as a sign that the heavenly powers did not approve of how the Iranian religious dictatorship was doing. To make matters worse neighboring nations were attributing their local covid19 outbreaks to visitors from Iran. Turkey, Iraq and Afghanistan have been most affected by this. Turkey and China have persuaded the Iranian government to be realistic about the covid19 problem. Despite that the virus is still apparently out of control in Iran. [emphasis added]

"Events" make a mockery of our pretense that wise human decisions decisively shape the course of world events.