Friday, January 04, 2019

Well, They Didn't Try REAL Socialism, Right?

Will the region be ready when Venezuela finishes circling the drain and takes the big plunge?

Our secretary of state discussed Venezuela with Brazil's new government:

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discussed Venezuela with Brazil's new right-wing government on Wednesday in the context of what he termed a joint-front against authoritarian regimes in Latin America.

I've hoped that Brazil, the strongest country in South America, would take the lead in a regional response to cope with the socialist basket case autocracy that Venezuela has become under Chavez and now Maduro.

Three million people have already fled Venezuela (tip to Instapundit):

An estimated 5,000 people pack up their lives and leave every day, eager to flee the economic collapse and humanitarian crisis which has beset the oil-rich nation.

More than 3m people have fled Venezuela in recent years. According to the UN, that number is expected to rise to more than 5m by the end of 2019[.]

This is in contrast to all those Democrats who remain in America despite their claims of economic disaster and tyranny after our election in 2016. Because America is not in danger of becoming the authoritarian disaster zone that Venezuela is.

Maduro claims America is behind the crisis. I wish we could do that much damage to an oil-rich state if we choose.

And I worry that even at this late date Maduro might think a short and glorious war could rally his people around him.