Monday, April 07, 2014

President Obama Respond to the Russian Invasion

President Obama actually did respond to the Russian invasion of Georgia despite claims that Bush mucked up the response to that 2008 invasion.

I've been meaning to comment on this week-and-a-half-old news, but why on Earth did President Obama spring this bit of diplomacy on the Georgians without at least talking to them first?

Obama said neither Ukraine nor Georgia are "currently on the path to NATO membership."

Apparently that was news to Georgia.

I've been annoyed that people condemned the actual Bush response to Russia's invasion of Georgia in August 2008, given the times and the fact that President Obama had 5 years to respond in contrast to Bush's 5 months.

But 5-1/2 years after the fact, President Obama finally responds by throwing Georgia under the bus?

It isn't just John Kerry who sucks at this diplomacy stuff.