Friday, December 06, 2013

Acceptable Collateral Damage

If a study said fracking chemicals might give a few percent of Eagles a bout of "pink eye" the global warmers would be screaming for a halt to that type of drilling. But windmills get a license to kill for 30 years.

This story pretty much is our national symbol, these days:

The Obama administration said Friday it will allow some companies to kill or injure bald and golden eagles for up to 30 years without penalty, an effort to spur development and investment in green energy while balancing its environmental consequences.

The change, requested by the wind energy industry, will provide legal protection for the lifespan of wind farms and other projects for which companies obtain a permit and make efforts to avoid killing the birds.

Stupid Eagles. Like the spinning giant Cuisinart aren't enough of a warning to stay away.

And a bonus point on ethanol!

Another AP investigation recently showed that ethanol has proven far more damaging to the environment than politicians promised and much worse than the government admits today.


Whatever. You can still feel morally superior driving your Prius to the airport to fly off, well above the windmills, for a ski weekend in Colorado.