Monday, December 16, 2013

Really? You Force Me to Defend John Kerry?

I think basically that John Kerry is an idiot. But he is right when he says North Korea does not have a nuclear weapon.

This criticism that Kerry doesn't know that North Korea has a nuclear weapon is misplaced.

Has their third and most recent test demonstrated that they have miniaturized and hardened a device small enough to put it on a missile? As I understand it, that is in doubt.

Clearly, North Korea is on the path to acquiring nuclear weapons. But right now, I don't think North Korea has more than a nuclear device that is only a threat if they can move it by train along with about 500 technicians and scientists to within a mile or two of the target.

So I'll cut Kerry some slack on this narrow technical issue. If my knowledge is old, I'll surely update this. We'll see if Strategypage addresses the status of weaponizing North Korea's nuclear devices.

Please, people, don't make me defend Kerry. Or Hagel. Or, forfend, President Obama himself.

Great, now I have to go shower the shame off.