Sunday, December 15, 2013

Don't Ridicule the Awesomeness of the Post-War Plan!

I find lack of faith in the Obama administration's handling of Libya disturbing.

Big deal (tip to Instapundit):

It's been two years now since Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown and President Obama's supporters in the foreign policy community hailed the U.S.-backed effort as a triumph of "smart diplomacy," in contrast to what they saw as the Iraq "fiasco."

So how are things in Libya now? Let's check in with McClatchy correspondent Nancy A. Youssef, who writes from Benghazi:

"Every week, about a dozen Syrians arrive at Benghazi’s airport for what’s described as insurgent training. When they fly out, they’re carrying fake Libyan passports, according to three officials familiar with the comings and goings of foreigners at the airport.

"The accounts of the officials, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the topic, are more evidence that this city in Libya has become a regional hub for Islamist extremists seeking to hone their combat skills."

So what? I'm sure this is all in the awesome plan for the post-war. We never would have embarked on the war in 2011 without a plan taking every possible event into consideration, would we?

Remember, Khadaffi is dead and General Motors is alive. Now shut up.