Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Connecting the Dolts

Yeah, find a birther at a Tea Party rally and this is evidence that the entire movement is about race and not spending and limits on government power. But find Communist spies comfortable and flourishing within the sophisticated liberal elites of the right sort of people and how dare you suggest that they can have similar world views (if different objectives)?

The latter charge has far more weight behind the charge. If you favor a larger government role, you can want to either support a greater federal role or communist control for a substantial distance on that road, no?

Is that unfair? Explain the loving portraits of Marxists and the sympathy for their goals despite their record of death and oppression.

Still not convinced? Che Guevara t-shirts. Okay?

Look, I don't consider myself a Tea Partier. They have a strain of isolationism and resistance to defense spending that I can't go along with. But I do absolutely back their impulse to control federal government power and spending on domestic issues. And pathetic efforts to tie the Tea Party to McCarthyism--when there really were Communists such as Alger Hiss out there (or even tie them to racism)--are just ridiculous.

Tip to Instapundit.