Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Obama 43.2

I'm still undecided on the NSA data collection effort.

While I'm prepared to believe the NSA data collection effort is either too broad or has been abused by this administration which doesn't seem to have a natural inclination against abuse of power, I've yet to see that evidence.

But I can't admire the leaker who seems to have harmed our security by the means of addressing his concerns.

As an aside to Peters' complaints in that article, I don't think a blanket condemnation of contractors for either intelligence or the military is justified. We need them and in the long run they are cheaper since they are hired based on needs of the moment and won't be collecting pensions for decades after their service.

[UPDATE: I meant to mention that if civil servants are so much more secure than contractors, explain PFC Manning who is under the UCMJ.]

And it is just a little funny that the leaker's actions are called Holy Dissent "treason" by Senator Feinstein:

“I don't look at this as being a whistleblower. I think it's an act of treason,” the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee told reporters.

From the Left's point of view, it's like George W. Bush is on his fourth term--complete with accusations of treason for revealing government secrets.

More will come out, I'm sure. For better or worse.