Thursday, August 02, 2012

Shovel Ready

Warner is outraged (or perhaps just chagrined in that left-wing superiority that can't believe we are so stupid) that China spends almost 4 times as much of their GDP on infrastructure as we do, and wishes we'd be more like them.

Far be it for me to question an Ivy League super genius whose thought patterns provided the basis for the Occupy Wall Street temper tantrum protest movement, but wouldn't a country with 3 times as many people as we have and which started from a base infrastructure orders of magnitude lower than ours naturally pump more money into concrete things?

And if she is truly concerned about lack of construction jobs for men, why doesn't she ask President Obama, Representative Pelosi, and Senator Reid why the grand stimulus had so little infrastructure spending?

I can't say whether Ms. Warren is truly 1/32 Cherokee Indian. But she's way more than 1/32 Tom Friedman, I'd say. What a load of shovel-ready stuff.

UPDATE: Another critique.

UPDATE: Maybe Warren should be cutting commercials urging China to spend more on their inadequate infrastructure.