Monday, August 20, 2012

They Must Do No Such Thing

A former Clinton administration National Security Council staffer believes Egypt under the Islamist-friendly President Morsi has to take certain steps to allow Egypt to prosper. The headline says it all:

Egypt’s new leaders must accept reality

"Must?" And what "reality" would Mr. Ross be speaking about?

I hope Ross is right. But the basic problem in the Middle East is that so many leaders and their people do not accept what we think of as reality. It is more accurate to say we would like Egypt's new leaders to accept reality.

Given enough relatively free elections, I think Egyptians will have no choice but to eventually accept a reality close enough to our view of reality to work for them.

The problem is making sure their voting continues long enough for them to learn how to elect good men.

We've lost the first battle in keeping threats to democracy from using democracy to gain power. Now we have to hope that we can keep these new rulers from shutting down democracy before it can be used to put someone else in the presidential palace.