Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Uncanny Ability

I like Netflix. I was very disappointed that they raised their prices so much and decided that I had to reverse course on the ever escalating entertainment bill. I look forward to the day I can send my cable company packing. I mean, they're fine. But I really hate getting 90% dross for the 10% that I want. It might be annoying enough to eventually dump the baby with the bath water.

But I understand that Netflix needs to make money and has a right to charge what they want. They are right to want to migrate to streaming at the expense of their disc service. Who wants to by a new generation's business text example of typewriter manufacturers standing in the way of word processing trying to defend market share?

But is there strategy all that wise? At least in the short run?

Shares of Netflix Inc. continued their free-fall on Tuesday, the day after the online movie rental company said it will formally split its DVD-by-mail service from its core Netflix business and rename it Qwikster. The stock traded at its lowest level in a year.

One, split the streaming and disc services, but why jack up the prices all at once? Divide the services at the same price and then start charging for the cost of each service over time. Wouldn't that have been better?

Two, why make customers go to two sites if you want them to keep both services? What on earth is the problem with having Netflix host both? It's like Netflix has not just decided to ride the wave of new technology, but wants to pee all over the old one in a sign of disrespect for old technology.

And speaking of disrespect, Qwikster? Seriously? That's a Spongebob Squarepants hero!

If they are trying to embarrass customers into dropping disc services so Netflix is free to focus on streaming, that name will do it.

Look, I want Netflix to succeed. I like the streaming service and I'm willing to pay for it so far. I liked their disc service, but the value for that exceeded my willingness to pay. But this whole thing is just a little embarrassing.