Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Newest Wolverine

Lamb went to her first University of Michigan football game on Saturday. I gave up my ticket so my Ex could take Lamb and Mister (and they used a third ticket sometimes used by my ex-sister-in-law).

Lamb had a ball even though I wondered if she could last the whole game:

She did. Although food was a major draw. And she even wanted to walk all the way back to my home rather than wait for a ride!

I imagine these will be rare trips for a while. She really isn't a football fan (yet) and mostly wanted to share what Mister and I clearly enjoy.

But as time goes on, she can go to more if she wishes even if I have to give up some games in person. In the long run, when Mister moves on to sitting in the student section, I'll still have a Wolverine to share the games with.

I suppose she'll need a proper cap. This was a last minute thing so all I had for Lamb was a blue Air Force Association cap with yellow lettering and logo. Close enough, what with her necklace, pom pom, shirt, and jacket. But next time she'll need better.