Tuesday, June 14, 2011

She Already Knew

So I pick up my little girl from school today. I let her swing on the swings for a bit, and then she was ready to go.

And she asks me, "Know what we did in art class today?"

"Fathers Day card?" I ask.


"You drew a fish?"


"Well I give up. I don't think I can guess."

So she says, "We did tessellations."

Well I'll be. She did that not two weeks ago at the fair we went to.

She said she was the only one in her class who knew what they were.

Lamb didn't say she was pleased she knew what it is, but she did tell me she was the only one. So I figure she was pleased to be the one in the class to know that fact. Who knew that would be the thing at the fair to pay off so soon?

I still have the goop in the refrigerator. And I still remember it is not taffy.