Monday, April 25, 2011

Reinforcing Success

I imagine more will come out in the coming days on this report if it is true (or at least plausible):

A senior Iranian military official investigating a mysterious computer worm targeting Iran's nuclear facilities says the country has been hit by a second computer virus.

The virus is called "stars."

This is good if true. Still, even a successful attack only slows down Iran's nuclear weapons program. Eventually, unless something else happens to stop them, Iran will get to their nuclear destination. I want to buy that time, of course.

But don't think that this is a painless way of stopping Iran.

UPDATE: While this is good news, if true, about the impact of the Stuxnet virus, it does not alter the basic truth that while Iran may have to go back two (or ten) spaces on the road to Nuclearland, eventually they'll get there.

And really, if true, if makes me worry a lot more about the vulnerability of our energy infrastructure to similar attacks.