Saturday, April 23, 2011

Our Best and Brightest

Emma Watson didn't receive much of a welcome at Brown:

The insider says Watson didn't shy away from class participation and often would "answer something in class and get it right," calling the 21-year-old actress "really smart." Unfortunately, this brought out the sophisticated wit and cinematic expertise of her Ivy League peers.

According to the source, her classmates "would respond [to her answer] with a quote from 'Harry Potter.'" The most popular choice was "Three points for Gryffindor!" – a reference to the movie's dormitory system, and a congratulatory phrase in the films when a student got a correct answer.

Whether or not that treatment--or just the problem of being a celebrity on campus or filming needs--led her to drop out for now, it does show that the students at one of our "elite" institutions caters simply to those who want credentials and not an actual education.

Not having seen any Harry Potter movies (and with no interest in the books) I don't have a dog in this fight to defend Watson. Heck, I wouldn't have recognized her, I confess. Although body guards in orange vests would have given me a clue that she was "somebody." But when students in an elite higher education institution mock actual learning, can we say we are in a higher ed bubble?