Monday, April 18, 2011

I Was Assured I'd Be Sweltering By Now

Outside my window this morning:

At least I wasn't among the 50 million poor souls the UN predicted would be climate refugees by now.

Oh wait, that didn't happen! And the UN tried to hide their prediction.

Yes, I know, I am personally experiencing weather that doesn't nullify the predictions of changes in climate. I know the difference. I'm just saying remember this distinction come this August when we experience four days of 100 degree weather.

Oh, and in their infinite wisdom, the UN now says 50 million climate refugees will be generated by 2020. I'll snap another picture of April snow then, ok?

UPDATE: Apparently, this is Earth Week. Who knew? And when did it graduate from being Earth Day? Does this mean we can look forward to the Carbonista killjoys browbeating us with Earth Month propaganda one day?