Friday, April 29, 2011

About the Events Today

I woke up today to find that a royal wedding had taken place. For my British readers, I hope it was a good time. Good for you, and all that. If it is important to you--our best ally--I am glad it went off without a hitch.

But I really can't get worked up about it. Really, that little unpleasantness between our two countries 236 years ago had a point. We don't have to bow and curtsy, and all that. Although some of us were born to bow and scrape, apparently, if you go by the reaction of some of our press corps. And our progressives certainly tried to make the wedding of Chelsea Clinton a royal wedding substitute. Heck, someone did a price comparison of the two weddings.

My interests begin and end over whether the flyover of the royal ceremony diverted any aircraft from the Libya War. Or was it timed to allow planes returning from bombing runs over Tripoli to do it on their way to refuel and rearm?