Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Thing I'm Looking Forward To

How long will it be before racist protesters, who can't stand a Black president as commander-in-chief, start protesting this war with Libya begun without a Congressional authorization to use force?

Actually, what I'm looking forward to in the coming round of anti-war protests is that this time the mainstream media will point out that the organizers are hard-core Communists and not just ordinary Americans outraged at a war of choice for oil and administration officials' investments in oil-related industries.

Because the media elites sold themselves to elect this administration and support his domestic policies, they'll do what it takes to support his reelection.

UPDATE: Come on media! You can't point out the problems with this group of anti-war protesters? (Tip to Instapundit) Granted, they are protesting Bush's war in Iraq (neglecting Obama's role), but this event would make a nice start to transitioning to the Libya War protesters that will come out after they slightly alter their signs and hand puppets.