Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Love My Heat Balls!

So we are to start losing incandescent light bulbs in January 2012, beginning with 100 watt bulbs and dropping down to bans on 40-watt bulbs by 2014. We are to welcome our new CFL, twisty, overlords.

Three-way bulbs escape the ban and need not take part in the vast global alliance to save the planet by adopting CFL lights. I know, they are more efficient and will last beyond my last breathe to be enjoyed by my heirs. I don't care about that savings. I suspect that if the new twisty bulbs truly were more cost effective, then in time the incandescent would die off on its own. But no, the government has to kill it off. I wonder why?

And CFLs don't give off heat like incandescents. That's a great benefit, we're told. All the Hollywood stars agree.

Unless you live in a state like Michigan that could use every bit of heat it can get for 8 months out of each year. I want those heat balls burning in the non-summer months. Today I'm freezing, and the thought off cool lighting just doesn't sway me. And in the summer? Well, I turn off lights--it being lighter outside for quite a lot of hours each day. Heck, sometimes during the winter I turn on my daughter's Easybake Oven just for the heat. I want all my appliances to give off heat during January. If LA greens want to avoid heat from the old bulbs, by all means let them buy CFLs. I'd never think of making them by incandescents. Heck, I assumed they read by the light of crack pipes, anyway. I'm pro-choice on bulbs.

But no. Rather than being allowed to enjoy pleasant lighting that has a side effect of warming my home when it is cold, I'll get high-priced, eye-straining crap lighting that requires hazmat training to clean up if they break, and higher heating bills in the winter.

Thanks greenies! Love ya!