Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Long War After the Cairo Outreach

The "war on terror" was mocked by both those on the left and right as a war on a tactic. That has always been a silly complaint. It was a war on Islamo-fascism, but the Bush administration saw no need to mention that as we fought the notion (often espoused by the left side of the aisle here) that we were at war with Islam.

So the Obama administration banishes the term and says we are at war with al Qaeda--a narrow and identifiable enemy.

But that old concept rears its ugly head as the Moslem Brotherhood declares its intention to wage war on us.

Outreach won't stop Islamists. They really do hate us--and not just George W. Bush. Nor will pretending we are not at war with jihadis in general.

Just kill them all. Let Allah sort them out.