Friday, July 09, 2010

Hot, Flat, and Clouded

Jonah got my hopes up for a lovely screed on that over-rated deep thinker, Tom Friedman. For some reason that I have never been able to comprehend, Friedman is extremely popular from his perch at the New York Times, even though he has nothing to contribute to any debate, and ultimately he doesn't know what he is talking about. So I was looking forward to the piece when I clicked on it.

But in the end it was really just a policy piece banked off of Friedman's idiocy. Jonah makes a great point in the article about our elites' strange love affair with dictatorial rule. For our own good and only for a day, of course--although what would our elites think if all their orders were reversed when their day of enlightened dictatorship ended? Probably change it to "dictatorship for a decade" just to make sure it sticks, I imagine.

But I digress. The article just wasn't as satisfying as a good b-slapping for Friedman's well-paid banality masquerading as deep thought

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not saying that you can't drown in a pool of Friedman's genius. But you would have to be drunk and lying face down.