Monday, July 12, 2010

ARMed and Dangerous

A human rights group assesses that we can't win the Afghan war as long as Karzai is in power?

Since when do these people have any clue about military operations?

And how much credibility can I give Afghanistan Rights Monitor when they make this bone-headed statement?

"Because an alarming number of civilians have been killed, wounded and affected by IED attacks, ARM calls on the Afghan government, the United States and NATO, insurgents and other key actors to stop, or at least reduce and control, their production and indiscriminate use," the report said.

This is unreal.

So let me get this straight. The improvised explosives device (IED) is a weapon solely used by the "insurgents"; yet ARM calls on the Afghan government, the US and NATO, and "other key actors" (NGOs? the UN? KAOS?) as well as the insurgents to stop using them?

ARM can't figure out IED responsibility, and I'm supposed to take their advice on the chances of victory in the war?