Thursday, January 31, 2008

Springtime for Putin

The Russians are not happy about losing the Ukraine. And Moscow may yet get its way:

About this time next year people may very well be asking "who lost Ukraine," by which time the train will have left the station a long time back, so to speak. American and EU officials need to be spending time worrying about--and acting on--this issue now, rather than listening to the happy talk of the Russian delegation from Davos.

And if Ukraine goes down, Belarus won't be far behind in coming back to Mother Russia. I know there is only so much we can do when Ukrainians seem content to form the circular firing squad as they practice for their role of Czechoslovakia in the ongoing drama of Russia's superpower nostalgia tour. But I certainly hope our government is a little more engaged than it appears to be. Should Russia acquire Ukraine, that would be bad for us and bad for Europe. Not to mention bad for Ukrainians, of course.