Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Drama Queens

Don't get too worked up over this:

The Iraqi Accordance Front's withdrawal from the Cabinet leaves only two Sunnis in the 40-member body, undermining Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's efforts to pull together rival factions and pass reconciliation laws the U.S. considers benchmarks that could lead to sectarian reconciliation.

They'll be back. They don't really want to end talks and settle their disputes with the Shias and Kurds with guns. Quite honestly, many Shias and Kurds would be more than happy to solve their Sunni Arab problem with the same measures the Sunni Arabs applied to Shias and Kurds over the last several decades (and centuries for that matter).

They quit. They posture. They come back. They strike a deal. It's all part of the political process in Iraq.