Monday, December 11, 2006

The Proper Response to an Ambush

When ambushed, you have to get out of the kill zone. Where you are when the bullets fly is where the enemy decided it could kill you best.

In vehicles, it is often best to drive through the ambush kill zone in order to counter-attack the ambushers if possible or to simply escape.

On foot, however, you can't get out of the kill zone fast enough. Escape is not an option. So an immediate counter-attack into the ambushers is often the best course to survive. This takes courage and training. But it is also the way to live.

So when CAIR ambushes our airline security, as is increasingly apparent (tip to Powerline) according to reports by Katherine Kersten:

So was the Flying Imams incident an instance of bigotry? Or was it part of a larger script? If so, whose script is it, and what's the final act?

I'll consider those questions in Thursday's column.

I eagerly await her consideration of those questions.

I repeat that our best course of action is to counter-attack.

I'm tired of living in the kill zone. And I don't think we can run from the attacks.