Tuesday, December 05, 2006

All Atwitter With Anticipation

Tomorrow the Baker commission will issue its report on Iraq options. There are other studies by the Pentagon and National Security Council pending, too.

So what will we receive tomorrow? Let's ask the new Secretary of Defense:

"It's my impression that, frankly, there are no new ideas on Iraq," said Gates, who left the commission when Bush nominated him to be defense secretary. The Senate panel voted 24-0 to recommend his confirmation.

Why would that be? I mean, all those big realist brains in one room and there are no new ideas on Iraq? Did the dreaded neo-cons infiltrate the group and put flouride in their water?

There will be no new ideas on Iraq because what we are doing in Iraq is, broadly speaking, the correct way to fight an insurgency. Set up local governing and security institutions to take over the fight in place of our forces. Over the last three years we have set up the local governing and security institutions. The only question is how long it will take to get them to take over the fight in place of our forces.

We can adjust details, but the reality is we are fighting the right way and only the ample money and munitions the enemy has available has allowed them to fight this long and inflict so much death and destruction on the Iraqi people and Coalition forces. Nonetheless, the enemy is doomed in the long run by the more numerous Shias and Kurds who now run the governing and security institutions.

So those who advocate surrender and retreat will need to find another savior to disguise their wishes as wisdom. "Realism" isn't going to cut it this time.

Really, though, I haven't been this eager for the dawn of the new day since Abba released their last album.