Monday, July 03, 2006

Ultimat ... um

Iran has until July 12th to respond to our offer to talk on the condition they halt Uranium enrichment:

Western powers will reactivate efforts to punish Iran through possible U.N. Security Council sanctions unless it suspends uranium enrichment and agrees to talks on its nuclear program by July 12, diplomats said Monday.

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator is not moved:

"We have given our opinion before, and we believe it is not a reasonable proposal," he said, quoted by the semi-official Mehr news agency.

Well, since the official Western threat is to discuss Iran in the Security Council, I guess this isn't really an ultimatum.

I guess it depends on how fast we get Russia or China to veto UN action to clear the decks for regime change in Iran.

Or, God help us, we really hope the UN will save us from Iranian nukes.