Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Four Years

The Dignified Rant was born four years ago on July 12th.

Been a long time. I never once doubted my ability to drone on this long.

One day I may have to promote my site as this post suggests but that is too time consuming right now.

And really, as I explain on my original site, traffic is not why I blog (though the occasional Instalanche is certainly fun):

The war drove me to blogging. The war against terrorism, that is, led to my original blog (well, it's kind of like a blog anyway). I rarely felt motivated to write letters to the editor in the past, but reading masses of perfectly moronic essays inspired me to write. Email helped it along of course, since I no longer was deterred by needing to find a stamp and envelope. So... various papers here in America, in Canada, and in Britain received perfectly reasonable and reasoned letters from me (with absolutely no foul language, although occasionally disdain did creep in--ok, it was deliberate). None made it to print. I finally got tired of sending off emails into electronic oblivion.

Although I figured my readership would probably decline from the single unpaid intern who previously skimmed and deleted my letters, I thought there was the theoretical possibility that this would be read. I write on defense issues; foreign policy; my home (especially my son); a landfill of miscellaneous musings, including my current rant, my favorite Irish pub and friends, and of course, my current candidate for being a waste of perfectly good Oxygen or thing that annoys me. I will not touch on issues at the state level. For reasons of employment conditions, I do not advocate or oppose issues that might be in the legislative purview. That's the way it is and I don't spend much time worrying about it. For current blogging on national security affairs I will work out of the new The Dignified Rant that picks up from the old National Security Affairs page on December 1, 2004.

Besides, I'm going to the bar tonight and I'd really rather drink with friends and ogle women than gaze at my cyber-navel on this anniversary. Google is setting up shop in Ann Arbor and I hear there will be Google Babes all over the place pretty soon. We must make plans ...