Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Not Too Blind to See

When Hamas won the Palestinian Authority elections, I was not too upset. Yes, they are criminals. We surely can't deal with them. But I wrote:

So now a small and weak PA has elected nutballs. Maybe this was a reaction to Fatah corruption. Maybe the Palestinians really do want death to the Jews. Better to know, right? If the former, in time more rational leaders may be elected. If the latter, better to have the veneer of civilization stripped away from the government so everyone can see who they are.

Even Europeans are starting to come around a bit on their glorification of the Palestinian cause:

The Jerusalem Post reports on a survey of European "opinion elites" conducted by Stan Greenberg (who was a pollster for President Clinton) showing a profound decline in support for Palestinians.

The most dramatic change is in France. Three years ago, 60 percent of French respondents said they took a side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and of that 60%, four out of five backed the Palestinians. Today, by contrast, 60% of French respondents did not take a side in the conflict, and support for the Palestinians had dropped by half among those who did express a preference.

Clarity is never bad with the likes of our enemies. They never look good when we see what they are rather than what some want to believe they are.