Thursday, January 05, 2006

Large Umbrella

The United States and Japan are cooperating on sea-based missile defenses (via Weekly Standard blog):

Japan will begin joint development with the United States from fiscal 2006 on a sea-based interceptor missile to be used in a missile defense system.

Obviously, this will be useful against North Korea in a continued effort to isolate the Pillsbury Nuke Boy until the regime is overthrown or collapses. Being able to repel a final gasp spasm attack or to ignore blackmail for aid will aid in ultimately defeating North Korea.

Less obviously, this system will allow Japan to defend against China's growing arsenal of medium-range ballistic missiles. American bases in both Japan and on Guam will be safer with missile-defenses.

And finally, the system will enable Japan and America to deploy a shield around Taiwan in a crisis. Sea-based means mobile and combined with land-based advanced Patriots will give Taiwan the ability to withstand a missile barrage. Such a shield will also be a tangible symbol of help that will bolster Taiwanese morale. Being purely defensive, it will also be easier for Japan and America to deploy early in a crisis as opposed to more provocative fighter aircraft or even troops.

This is a very tangible symbol of the growing US-Japanese alliance extending out from Japan itself.