Sunday, June 12, 2005

Rising--But How Far?

A month ago I wrote that I think that this century will still be America's century. China, I wrote, has a whole lot of problems more likely to sink them than to propel them to supremacy.

Mark Steyn (via Instapundit) writes a good article on China, concluding:

China won't advance to the First World with its present borders intact. In a billion-strong state with an 80 per cent rural population cut off from the coastal boom and prevented from participating in it, "One country, two systems" will lead to two or three countries, three or four systems. The 21st century will be an Anglosphere century, with America, India and Australia leading the way. Anti-Americans betting on Beijing will find the China shop is in the end mostly a lot of bull.

I'm surely biased but I wouldn't bet against America. As I wrote:

Don't bet against America so easily, people. We've left a lot of challengers in a heap by the door.

Place your bets, people. The game is on.