Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Hosting the International Community

Right now, America hosts the UN in New York City. Delegates enjoy the high life in our largest city and are well placed for espionage.

As we consider how to reform the UN (and get Bolton to the UN now for goodness sake), I have a suggestion to help improve the body and keep it out of trouble.

Put the UN on American Samoa. It is American territory and so we can still keep an eye on it; but the UN potentates can cool their heels in a backwater instead of having the neon of Times Square distracting them.

Oh, keep some of the UN in New York. The useful technical bodies for example . But the General Assembly, Security Council, and certainly the human rights outfit whatever that outrage is called could go to Samoa.

Either they'll work or they'll be miserable. Or they won't bother to show up. Win-win-win, I'd say. Hey, we pay for the place. Move it where we want.